College and Career Counseling

The counseling office works with students to discover their post-secondary interests, explore their opportunities, and plan for their next academic chapter.

As trained professionals, the counseling office incorporates the Professional School Counseling's National ASCA Model for Career, Academic, and Post-Secondary Credentialing while advising students. They believe there is an opportunity for each student, and their mission is to help students reach their goals through advocacy, curiosity, and exploration.

Each year, they connect with students individually, in small groups, and in large groups to learn more about their interests. Together, they can help students create action plans to make those goals a reality! They encourage students to stop by the counseling office to connect with them or make an appointment. Check out the office’s website for more resources, scholarships, and information.


Naviance is WUHSMS's college and career planning program. It allows students to complete college searches, take personality inventories, listen to professionals in their fields talk about their careers, and, come senior year, apply to their chosen colleges and universities! All students and parents have access to Naviance; please connect with Janet North for assistance!

Counseling staff