Flexible Pathways
Woodstock Union High School offers various learning opportunities, called Flexible Pathways, that allow students to “learn by doing” or design their own learning opportunities.
We offer various courses, programs, and learning opportunities on-site and outside the school, allowing students to demonstrate achievement toward the Woodstock graduation requirements. Students may also design their own learning opportunities toward graduation as long as they meet the graduation criteria.
Flexible Pathway opportunities for students at WUHS include student-designed internships, work-based learning, service learning, and independent studies through The Center of Community Connections (C3); online classes through Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative; programs offered through Hartford Area Career and Technology Center; and college courses at nearby Dartmouth College and other higher education institutions in Vermont through the Dual Enrollment and Early College programs.
Counselors are available to answer any questions and provide guidance. You can learn more about the Flexible Pathways Initiative and Act 77 from Vermont’s Agency of Education.
Center of Community Connections (C3)
C3 provides students a flexible learning environment by utilizing the community as an extension of the classroom.
Hartford Area Career and Technology Center
HACTC provides hands-on training in various industries to enhance career prospects in the Upper Valley.
Early College
WUHS students can elect to take college courses through Dual Enrollment and Early College programs.
Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative
VTVLC provides a range of online learning opportunities for students.