The Middle School experience is designed to offer a comprehensive education that fosters academic excellence, creativity, and personal growth.
Seventh graders: members of Team Pathfinders, are encouraged to grapple with big questions, explore their interests through diverse elective courses, and receive individualized support from passionate teachers who strive to create opportunities for exploration and questioning of the world.
Eighth graders: members of Team Horizon, are encouraged to explore their interests and aspirations. Through a balance of exploration and structure, high expectations and support, and personalization and collaboration, Team Horizon teachers strive to meet the diverse needs of their students and inspire a love of learning as students prepare to enter high school.
In addition to their core classes, Woodstock Union Middle School offers a range of engaging elective courses to help students discover and pursue their interests.
Our dedicated counselors are also available to provide guidance and support as students plan their schedules and select courses that align with their individual goals and aspirations.
The 7th Grade Experience
How can we create a just world? What patterns exist in the world? Why do words matter? What do you wonder?
These are some of the large questions that 7th-grade students at Woodstock Union Middle School are asked to grapple with throughout the year. They do it as part of Team Pathfinders, a community of learners who support one another as they seek their own answers to these questions, begin to chart their path to independence—and, of course, have fun.
The main goal for our 7th-grade students is to smoothly transition from their local elementary schools into the larger middle school community. The transition to middle school is one that is exciting, nerve-wracking and full of opportunity.
7th Grade Team
7th grade curriculum and course selection
Core classes
English & global studies • Life science • Math • Wellness • Self-direction
In addition to these core classes, 7th grade students are encouraged to explore their interests through a variety of elective courses.
Beginning in the spring semester, middle school counselors visit 6th grade classes from each sending school. Students and families are given an overview of the middle school schedule, required courses, and how to choose electives.
Required classes are automatically entered into students’ schedules—course selection is for electives only.
Schedules are shared over the summer and counselors are available the week before the first day of school to make any necessary schedule changes and adjustments.

The 8th grade experience
Who am I? What are my interests, strengths, and abilities? What people, places, and experiences do I hope fill the next decade of my life?
How do I need to grow to realize my aspirations? The eighth grade team believes that our students’ futures hold unlimited and unknown possibilities, and that exploring those possibilities impacts the learning that they engage in today. Cognizant of the demands that lie ahead for students, teachers design learning activities that strike a balance between exploration and structure, high expectations and support, and personalization and collaboration.
The eighth grade team meets regularly to ensure that the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of all of our students are met. We are committed to middle-level best practices, our various subject area disciplines, and using technology to enhance and showcase our students’ learning.
8th grade team
8th grade curriculum and course selection
Core classes
American Studies • English • Math • Physical science • Wellness • Exploring your future
In addition to their six core classes, 8th-grade students are encouraged to explore a diverse range of elective courses in the arts, languages, technology, and more.
In the spring, middle school counselors provide a presentation to 7th grade students explaining the course selection process and introducing new electives. A Zoom presentation is also offered to parents and guardians, along with an online course guide for review. Students make their course selections within Alma, where they can also be viewed by families.
Schedules are distributed during the summer, and counselors are available the week before school starts to assist with any necessary changes.
Middle School Electives
Middle school students are encouraged to expand their horizons and make new discoveries through elective courses. Woodstock Union Middle School offers a diverse range of elective courses in the arts, modern and classical languages, and science that provide opportunities for students to explore and uncover new interests.
Not all listed electives are offered every school year; check the course guide for descriptions of this year’s offerings.
French 1A • French 1B • French II • Spanish 1A • Spanish 1B • Spanish II
Studio Art Intro to Digital Photography • Intro to Graphic Design • Instrumental Exploration • Concert • Band • Choir • Theatre Lab
Other electives
Introduction to Computer Science • Gardens & Greenhouses • IDEA (Innovation, Design, Engineering, Action) • Journalism • Let’s Cook!

Counseling Office
Counselors from the counseling office believe that a smooth transition for 7th graders into the middle school is accomplished by getting to know all the students, listening to parents’ and teachers’ insights, and being available and transparent about the process. They visit classrooms and meet in small groups to get to know all of the students and to familiarize them with the supports our office has to provide.
They also visit 8th grade classes to reacquaint students with their services and to stress the importance to looking out for each other. In those visits, leadership and stewardship of their community is encouraged. The 8th grade year is a time to prepare for the future. The goal is to prepare students to become lifelong learners who are able to embrace challenges while becoming successful members of their communities.
All students are encouraged to come in during study halls, before or after school or during lunch/advisory time if they need help with something, need a break in their day, or just want to visit and say hello. Counselors will also reach out when a student is referred by a parent/caregiver, teacher or concerned peer. Several school-wide educational events take place over the course of the year to address relevant topics like bullying, social media etiquette, and making healthy choices.