Contact Us
Address: 100 Amsden Way
Woodstock, Vermont 05091
Office: 802.457.1317
Health Office: 802.457.1317 ext.1217/ext.1218
Fax: 802.457.1850
Health Office email:
Reporting Absences, Early Releases, and Late Arrivals
To report absences, early releases and late arrivals, please email If a student arrives late or leaves early, they need to sign in/out on the Yellow Sheet in the Main Office at school upon arrival or before departure. If your student will be missing two or more consecutive days, a Planned Vacation Form needs to be filled out by the student and their teachers.
Report a Concern or Incident
WUHSMS is dedicated to fostering a positive and safe environment. Students, parents, and other individuals are encouraged to report any issues or concerns to the school so they can be addressed.