Hartford Area Career and Technology Center (HACTC)
The Hartford Area Career and Technology Center offers a wide variety of programs for students looking to expand their career readiness.
Incoming juniors or seniors are eligible to register for courses offered at HACTC. Students must be in good academic standing, as well as meet grade level credit requirements. For all HACTC courses, students must complete a separate HACTC application and visit programs of interest in order to be considered for admission. The application process begins with a tour in the Fall/Winter of the year before students intend to attend.
Coordinating schedules
In most cases these courses will occupy 2 blocks of time daily for both first and second semesters. With the exception of the STEM course, all courses are offered in a two-year sequence. The second year is a continuation of the first year but offers advanced work and some specialization. First-year students are enrolled in the afternoon session, while second-year students are scheduled for the morning session. There is one program for sophomores at HACTC, which is Career and Technology Exploration. This program, upon its completion, awards one credit in English, one credit in math, and one credit in career exploration.
Credits awarded
Sophomore year: Three credits (One each for English, Math, Art)
Junior year: Three elective credits
Senior year: Three credits (Two elective, One embedded credit)
Autobody & Motosports
Auto Technology
Building Trades
Business Administration
Career Technology Exploration
Cooperative Education
Culinary Arts
Design Illustration/Media Arts
Health Sciences
Industrial Mechanics and Welding
Information Technology
Natural Resources