AP Drawing students submit work to congressional art show

Congratulations to the AP Drawing seniors who were selected to submit their artwork to Vermont’s congressional art show and competition. Annie Hauze, Dillon Moss, Kyra Tarleton, Ariana Winawer-Stein, Daphne McDermott, and Logan Sudol all had their work at the Vermont College of Fine Arts Gallery in Montpelier.

Each spring the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. Since the competition began in 1982 (in Vermont), more than 650,000 high school students have participated.

On Friday, May 5th, the AP Art class traveled to Montpelier to view the art show and to meet U.S. representative Becca Balint. After admiring the incredible art pieces created by high school artists from around the state, they attended an award ceremony. Dillon Moss’s piece “Crabbing” was the winner for Windsor county and Logan Sudol received a judge’s choice award for his work, “The Drive Home.” Congratulations to all of the artists!
