Best Thursday day assembly

Leading up to the Best Day assembly, last week’s schedule of ‘Spirit Week’ clothing themes generated some kudos for the best costume of the day. Many students dressed in crazy costumes and then each class wore their class color on Thursday, October 5th, for the Best Day assembly. The assembly was held outside in the Bowl under a blue bird sky.

The students enjoyed the musical talent of classmate, Leo Winawer-Stein who played the keyboard and sang Pompeii by Bastille as well as the WUHS band who taught the audience the traditional ‘Fight’ song played at some of the school’s sports’ events. As usual, there were some energetic games such as musical chairs and an intense round of tug o’ war. To be eligible for a prize at the end of the school year, classes are competing for class points by engaging in the games during assemblies.

As a result, enthusiasm was pervasive! Along with the music and activities, there were also student kudos, general announcements and of course some raffles! The event was a great kick off to create some school spirit and celebrate the many aspects of our school community!