Middle School Book Club reads Katherine Arden's Small Spaces

Tuesday was the first meeting of the Middle School Book Club! We are reading Katherine Arden's Small Spaces in preparation for her upcoming visit to our school. The publisher's note describes the book as "...a deliciously creepy and hair-raising adventure."

Prior to writing the Small Spaces quartet for middle-grade readers, Arden wrote The Bear and the Nightingale for adults which was on The New York Times bestseller list. Publishers Weekly described it as "stunning" and Booklist called it "utterly bewitching." We have Arden's debut novel in our library along with the second book in the Winternight Trilogy titled The Girl in the Tower.

The Middle School Book Club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00-12:30 pm and Katerine Arden will be visiting later this month or in early February. The Young Adult Diverse Books Book Club will be meeting on January 24 at 11:00 am to discuss Black Birds in the Sky and the Faculty/Staff Book Club will be meeting on January 30 at 3:15 pm to discuss Solito: A Memoir.

If you are interested in joining any of these book clubs, please stop by the library. If you have overdue books, please return them and pick out some new titles for your winter reads.

Middle schoolKatieClubs