Students FEAST on new Opportunities at Shelburne Farms

Students FEAST on new Opportunities at Shelburne Farms

By Ada Mahood

Last week Mrs B and Kat Robbins brought six CRAFT students up to Shelburne Farms in Burlington. The CRAFT students were participating in the student led summit FEAST, Food Education And Sustainable Thinking. Upon arriving, students listened to a sustainable leader, Grace Oedel. Grace Oedel is the Executive Director of NOFA Vermont (Northeast Organic Farming Association) She said some really thoughtful and meaningful things about sustainability and farming. She herself actually grew up away from farm life in Georgia. “Once we get food and farming right, we can get so much more right.” After the students heard from Grace Oedel, they went onto their first morning workshop for 55 minutes. Some students made tortillas and crafted their own tacos, others learned how to mend clothing and Woodstock students Chelsea McDermott and Sadie Boulbol led a workshop on how to grow microgreens and make microgreen pesto! Then the students transitioned to another workshop based off of sustainability. Some of the afternoon activities were, Food Cultures around the world, foraging for wild foods and many others! Lastly, we shared a delicious lunch and talked amongst ourselves throughout the different schools and listened to a closing message by one of our amazing Woodstok students who was a program coordinator, Priscilla Richardson! Overall, it was a great learning experience and super fun to try out so many cool sustainability workshops!