WUHS Seniors Aidan Keough-Vella and Levi Halley Receive Congressional Nominations
Two of our WUHSMS students Aidan Keough-Vella and Levi Halley have received Congressional nominations to the US Service Academies from Vermont's US Congressional Delegation, Senators Bernie Sanders and Peter Welch, and US Representative Becca Balint. Aidan Keough-Vella of Bridgewater Corners has applied to the U.S. Air Force Academy and Levi Halley of Woodstock has applied to the U.S. Military Academy.
Both of these students attended a reception at the Vermont State House on December 29 and were included in Senator Sanders' newsletter, the "Bernie Buzz" on December 29.
According to the newsletter, "Each year, the Vermont Congressional Delegation comes together at the end of December to nominate outstanding young Vermonters to be members of the United States Service Academies. We hold this annual reception at the Vermont State House and invite families and current students of the academies to join us.
"As part of this annual event, we hold a roundtable discussion so that the students can get to know one another and share why each of them has chosen to serve their country. And let me tell you, after hearing what these young Vermonters have to say it would be hard not to conclude that they are a very special group of youngsters. As Vermonters, we should be very proud of all of them.
"At just 17 or 18 years old, they have made a decision to serve our country. They have chosen service to community, above self. These young people may go on to have 20-year careers in the military. They may also receive important education and training through the academies and military service that will lead them to become the doctors, nurses, engineers, pilots, teachers, and first responders who live and work every day in our communities."
Here's the link to the complete newsletter - https://www.sanders.senate.gov/bernie-buzz/these-young-vermonters-give-me-hope/