WUHS Winter Carnival Fun

Despite the lack of a true winter, students enjoyed the blue bird day, warm temperatures and lots of activities to explore during the Winter Carnival on February 15th sponsored by the Student Council. The kick off assembly featured a lively play written by Latin students who took first place for the effort at a recent Latin Day event at UVM.

Following the assembly students migrated to their chosen activity. Many chose active events such as skating at the Arena, sledding in the Bowl or competitive dodgeball, basketball and ping pong games. Others chose more peaceful pursuits such as arts & crafts, board games, a pop up music jam, or watching a movie in the Auditorium. To top off the afternoon, many students also enjoyed hot cocoa and s’mores by the firepit outdoors or the yummy baked goods in the cafeteria, or both!!

High schoolKatieStudent life