Student Assistance Professional (SAP)
Ms. Annie Luke, MA, LADC - Student Assistance Professional
Also: MVSU Community Liaison/Program Coordinator of the Empower UP! Mentoring Program. Advisor for VTLSP/OVX, VKAT, Volleyball Club, and Co-Advisor for middle school and high school QSA. MVSU Coordinator of the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
Phone: (802) 457-1317 ext.1163
The Student Assistance Program aims to help students develop healthy coping skills, make positive lifestyle choices, and avoid substance misuse problems. Services are also provided for students whose lives have been affected by their own or someone else's use of alcohol and/or other drugs. Some students who use the program are not involved with substances but are looking for help with a variety of other problems or concerns. Make a referral here.
The Student Assistance Program: Provides services which operate within state and federal guidelines. Receives referrals from students, parents, faculty, coaches, peers, or community members. Works in collaboration with other community agencies. Works as part of the Educational Support System. Available to all students.
The Student Assistance Program: Helps students access appropriate treatment options. Provides aftercare support to students returning from treatment. Encourages non-users to resist substance use. Provides Teachers with the assistance necessary to respond to substance abuse issues in a timely manner.
The Student Assistance Program: Works in collaboration with teachers to provide in-classroom presentations. Works in collaboration with school counselors to provide lunch bunches and other groups to meet the needs of the students. Provides student leadership groups VTLSP/OVX (Vermont Teen Leadership Safety Program/Our Voices Xposed) for the high school and VKAT’s (Vermont Kids Against Tobacco) for the middle school students. Also, co-advisor to the middle and high school QSA’s.
Community Liaison/Program Coordinator: The MVSU Mentoring Program - Empower UP! - Previously known as OCP's Mentor and Buddy Program, this MVSU-wide initiative strives to build positive intergenerational relationships between adult role models and students. The Community Liaison coordinates and supports all mentoring matches to achieve the MVSU's goal of helping young people to become successful, healthy and thriving adults and build meaningful relationships with local communities. Please contact me if you are interested in becoming a mentor, being mentored or simply to find out more information or click on this link: WCSU Mentoring Program.
Vermont Teen Leadership Safety Program (VTLSP)/Our Voices Xposed (OVX): A high school peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, particularly underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, teen violence, and teen suicide. The purpose of VTLSP is to develop among teen leaders an awareness of prevention and wellness issues while providing them with the resources, skills and adult support with which to facilitate positive change among their peers. The group meets every other week during A.R.E. time. We have completed projects like the Stall Street Journals, the Quechee Card for the Quechee Gorge - suicide prevention project that has resources and text/call line, Red Ribbon Week, Tie One On for Safety, Project Sticker Shock, PS I Love You Campaign, What's In A Vape Campaign, the Cost of Vaping Card, Getting to the Y (YRBS), educational bulletin boards, and Succulents for Seniors, just to name a few. Please check out our PSA videos: VTLSP/OVX PSA 2020, Do You Vape?
Vermont Kids Against Tobacco (VKAT): The goals of VKAT Club (middle school) are to reduce youth smoking/vaping rates and to create and support youth leaders by: Educating peers about the dangers of smoking and vaping; raising awareness of the tobacco industry’s advertising and marketing tactics; and modeling healthy behaviors for younger students. We have completed projects like; making Stop Smoking/Vaping kits, created Distraction Putty for students to help them, educational bulletin boards, elementary school presentations on vaping, and other cool projects that brought us out into the community like Project Photovoice. Please check out our PSA videos: VKAT PSA 2020, VKAT StoryProject 2022, Is Vaping Good or Bad for You?
Queer Straight Alliance: The Queer/Straight Alliance brings together LGBTQIA+ students and their straight allies in a safe space wherein we discuss challenges, celebrate victories and devise solutions for making WUHS/MS a welcoming and supportive place for all.
Coordinator of the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS):
Click on this link to learn about the YRBS:
Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey