AP Lit: Narrative Reality "Who's there?" Project

AP Literature seniors finished the year reading Hamlet and created a final project around the play's central question, "Who's there?"

This project, produced in a visual thinking/sketch-note style, was an opportunity for seniors to reflect on their childhood, adolescence and future prospects, as well as the literature of the year and what has mattered them in positive ways, as well as in less than desirable ways.

Thinking about their own humanity and the humanity in an array of characters from the works of John Steinbeck, Ian McEwan, Mary Shelley, Ralph Ellison, and back to Shakespeare, seniors set about composing a "To be" page, a "Not to be" page, a "Let be" page, and a concluding "Who's There" page for themselves.

These works (along with two proofs for all the ways The Lumineers' song Ophelia proves this band knows their Hamlet) are hung along the river behind The Bowl. If you'd like to check them out, they'll be up until Sunday, June 18th, weather permitting!