Art trip to Hall Art Foundation

On Tuesday, three art classes visited the Hall Art Foundation in Reading, Vermont to see the exhibits Andy Warhol: small is beautiful and Susan Rothenberg: In New Mexico. Ms. Gravel’s AP Art History class, Ms. Jimerson’s AP Art class and Ms. Piana’s Drawing class toured the exhibits, saw the outdoor sculpture installations and participated in Visual Thinking Strategies with Ms. Piccoli when looking at Warhol’s Flowers.

Charlotte Nunan, a senior in AP Art and a gallery attendant at the Hall Art Foundation gave a special presentation on Warhol’s The American Man (Portrait of Watson Powell), 1964. During her presentation, she explained the commission, the silkscreen painting process and how the paintings are hung in a grid.

On working at the Hall Art Foundation, Charlotte said, “I’ve really enjoyed working at the Hall Art Foundation these last three years. I think it’s a great opportunity to be close to art and get a feel for the contemporary and business side of the art world. I always love seeing the new exhibits that come in each year, exposing me to new artists and artistic styles! As I’ve worked at the Hall Art Foundation, I’ve met lots of interesting people and connected with them about the art around us.”

High schoolKatieArts