French and Spanish Students Begin the Park Interpretation Project

Pictured above: Kat Robbins talks with Advanced Topics in Spanish students about the connection between Billings Farm and the Park.

Students from Advanced Topics in Spanish and French, and AP French students have begun work on a Park Interpretation Project. With the support of Kat Robbins and Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, students are researching topics of interest at the park and crafting guided tours in Spanish and French. Research topics range from the history of conservation to specific artists and artworks at the park. 

Pictured above: Sierra Bystrak interviews Head Gardener Jordan McGee about the fountain and history of the formal gardens. Sierra commented: 'This project is a great way to really learn the significance of this place. I usually just hike to the Pogue, but now I know more about why this place is special,”

The project combines several of Woodstock’s Portrait of a Graduate skills, including stewardship and skillful communication. Students will have the real-world practice of conducting a guided tour in their target language.

Anna Megyyesi’s Advanced Topics in Spanish class will lead their tour on October 10th. 

French student Tua Shaw practices her talk on the importance of beauty and spirituality in the context of the Mash Billings gardens.

French student Joffre Legyada will be speaking about the native history of the land.

French Presentation at Marsh Billings National Park 

Thursday the 26th of September at Marsh/Billings National Park (and Rockefeller Mansion) from 11:15 --12:30, Nathalie Kramer's French AP and Advanced Topics students will be presenting their chosen topic in French! Each student will give a 4 minute presentation in their area of interest--for example, Gardens, Art work in the house, Forest History. En Français! 

French student Lucy Drebitko will engage us by explaining the invasive species and the preservation of the trees.